The Feldenkrais Method integrates movement, thought and sensations in a unique and original way to make the body-mind system strong and flexible.


The lessons are designed to improve ability, that is, to expand the boundaries of the possible: to turn the impossible into the possible, the difficult into the easy, and the easy into the pleasant.
Moshe Feldenkrais

The Method is named after its inventor, Moshe Feldenkrais, a physicist and engineer of Jewish origin (1904-1984). As an expert in martial arts, self-defence and enthusiastic soccer player he always combined his interest for movement and human development with scientific research. Thanks to years of experimentation he developed his method teaching a huge number of students, holding training courses and publishing world-famous books. He was a pioneer of somatic education, bringing to it fundamental insights on the workings of the neuromotor system, human learning and the relationship between movement and well-being. His method is widely acknowledged for its effectiveness and originality, appreciated by physicians, physiotherapists, athletes, artists and movement professionals worldwide.

© International Feldenkrais® Federation Archive, Michael Wolgensinger


Being is movement, every action, relationship, sensation and thought has a dynamic principle. Improving one’s movement corresponds to improving oneself.

To achieve a significant change in posture and improve our general well-being it is essential first of all to increase our level of awareness and become more sensitive to the signals we receive from deep within our system. Many talk about this, but not many movement-based practices really teach it. The Feldenkrais Method, stimulates the nervous system to perceive itself more accurately, the basic premise for change, by working on the bio-mechanical level and at the same time on perception, the senses and the neurocognitive level.

Many posture issues and physical pains are caused by the unconscious activation of a few automatisms: inadequate positions, excessive use of force, overworked joints and muscle groups, attitudes in conflict with fluid movement. Feldenkrais Method lessons are aimed at identifying these habits and help establish more functional movement strategies, enhancing flexibility, coordination, creativity, physical and emotional balance.

 To change our own habits we need to experience many different ways of moving and realize that good organization means simplicity, efficiency, pleasure and beauty. Feldenkrais Method lessons suggest an endless variety of movements involving the entire body in different orientations in space. Through an intelligent educational system people are stimulated into learning a new quality of movement. The neuromotor system is encouraged to optimize its potential, achieving an exclusive level of integration between mind and body.

This approach consolidates the new skills, gives people simple and effective tools for self-improvement and maintenance of health. It is extremely useful in functional, physical and neurological, recovery processes.



The Feldenkrais Method has an excellent effect on a person’s general health. It satisfies the need to carry out everyday gestures without pain, and with ease and pleasure, but it is also an excellent tool to refine the complex movements of athletes, artists, musicians or dancers. It deeply improves the quality of movement, teaching us to be agile and in shape in a clever way, without unnecessary effort. It is recognized by doctors and physiotherapists as an extremely useful practice in rehabilitation processes.


Specifically it improves:

flexibility, coordination, posture and orientation

back ache, pains to the neck and joints

rehabilitation after physical traumas

awareness and self organization

decreases pain, tension, effort and slows decline

mobility in the elderly

sport and artistic performance

freedom in breathing

creative, expressive and learning abilities


Who it is aimed at:

all those wishing to improve ability, awareness and motor organization

those suffering from postural pains, chronic pain, muscular tension, stress

those in need of a functional rehabilitation plan

those using movement as a tool in their work: athletes, dancers, actors, musicians, therapists, coaches, teachers

senior citizens or people suffering from limited mobility

those with limited neuro-motor skills

whoever may be interested in personal development through movement


Why does it work? Here are some of the strategies that make the Feldenkrais Method effective:

you move with awareness and not mechanically

you move slowly

you move progressively

you experience a variety of orientations and relationships with space

you use your entire body

you break down automatisms

you take care in breathing

you improve basic movement sequences

you avoid pointless effort

you enhance the pleasure of moving


Group lessons: ATM – Awareness Through Movement®

The teacher’s voice guides people through a series of movements mainly carried out on the ground, focusing on the feelings associated with them: you move while you observe the movement. Each ATM’s have a functional reference topic such as rotating on the vertical axis, bending and extending the spine, spatial orientation, balance, getting up, breathing, etc. With a number of variations and a global approach, lessons aim to improve the most complex actions we carry out every day by positively intervening on the fundamental aspects of movement. Slowly and carefully guided, participants are encouraged to avoid pointless effort and find the pleasure in moving. Feldenkrais movements are simple but not mundane; lessons are designed to break down automatic and counter-productive movement and posture habits, starting a process of deep improvement of self-organization. The Feldenkrais Method includes a number of diverse, fascinating and fun lessons to experience all aspects of human mobility.

Individual Lessons: FI – Functional Integration®

Individual lessons follow the same guiding principles and pursue as group lessons. The teacher develops custom lessons based on the specific requirements of each student and teaching mainly occurs through physical contact of the hands. Through a light and non-invasive touch, people are guided through movements stimulating the neuro-muscular system to develop more organization and efficiency. This special kind of contact guides and supports while respecting the limits and unique configuration of each student, it does not “fix”, it listens and teaches. After consolidating existing skills, new and original movements are progressively introduced aimed at increasing the student’s ability and at improving dysfunctional aspects.